Snoring is the sound of OBSTRUCTIVE or INTERRUPTED breathing. Snoring may be harmless at times, however it may also represent a very serious problem which you may not know about.
Snoring may progress into a medical condition called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).
Snoring occurs when the upper airway muscles relax during sleep and partially block air flow causing the uvula to vibrate resulting in the sound we know as snoring. Excess fat in the neck area, large tonsils, a long soft palate and uvula all contribute to snoring.
Approximately 30% to 50% of all adults snore on a regular basis. Men tend to snore more than women (About 2: 1 ratio). Snoring increases with age and increasing weight. If you have allergies, asthma, colds and or sinus infections, you increases the risk of snoring.
Smoking, drinking alcohol before you go to sleep, being overweight and overeating can make the problem worse. Muscle relaxers, such as Ambien, as well as sleeping on your back can cause snoring.
Problems and Treatment
Snoring Problems
When you sleep, breathing slows, your muscles relax and your airway narrows slightly, but you continue to inhale and exhale steadily. If for some reason the airway narrows a little too much, you’ll start to snore. If the airway narrows completely, breathing may cease altogether, forcing you to gasp for air and temporarily wake up.
Snoring that occurs when the airway is slightly narrowed but still open is referred to as simple, or primary, snoring. While not life threatening, simple snoring is still worth treating since it can still disrupt your partner’s sleep.
Complete, or near complete blockage of the airway during sleep is known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This is a very serious disorder with potentially serious effects on a person’s health and quality of life.
If you or your spouse is constantly snoring, this may lead to:
High blood pressure
Daily sleepiness
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Decreased Cognitive ability
90% of people who snore have Sleep Apnea and are not aware of it.
Treatment Options
Contact Vancouver Sleep Solutions and inquire about taking a sleep test or to book a consultation with our staff.
Ask us about about having an oral appliance made to help you stop snoring and manage your Sleep Apnea.
Check out our other non-prescription options for snoring and mild sleep apnea – BongoRX and ExciteOSA.